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1 min

(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Thorns

Whether it be a small rumor or a major misconception – we have faced a wrongful accusation against us. Even when it’s false, we begin to question how we portray ourselves and how the world see’s us. What can we learn from Paul’s method of defending himself, and why is it the very message we need at the start of a new year?…

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1 min

(Podcast) Best of PRATJ: The New-ness of You—Thorns

Whether it’s a small rumor or a major misconception – we have all faced a wrongful accusation against us. Even when it’s false, we begin to question how we portray ourselves and how the world sees us. What can we learn from Paul’s method of defending himself, and why is it the very message we need at the start of a new year?…

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10 mins

A Closer Look at the Church-Planting Trend

Editor’s Note: The church-planting movement in America is growing exponentially, fueled and driven by an army of former youth pastors. Attend any church-planting conference and you’ll ram into a sea of youth workers who’ve migrated out of their niche and into the Wild, Wild West of broader church leadership.…

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4 mins

Explaining Unanswered Prayers

This time of year we hear a lot about all the ways the Lord has “blessed” so many around us with answered prayers. Sometimes they are silly: “Wow, I was asking God to find me a good parking place, and here I am up front at the mall.”…

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2 mins

With Two Hands

Hey YM Nation, I am Estevao Yu, and it is my honor to write my first blog post for awesome youth workers. Thank you for serving with all your heart in the youth ministry because YOU MATTER to the students. Every year, I struggle to bring the right balance of local and overseas missions for my students to serve during the summer.…

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8 mins

Practical Solutions for the Problems of Youth Worship

The other day a youth pastor friend asked me a question that pinpoints a major shift that’s changing his ministry landscape: “How do I get my kids to care about worship? Nothing seems to be working.” My friend isn’t alone. The “worship problem” is quickly spreading, and deepening, in youth ministry.…

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4 mins

See Parents Through New Eyes

I talked to a fellow youth worker this morning who made the comment, “I feel like I am so behind already in planning the coming school year.”  Although it’s only July, before we know it students will be home from vacation and back in school.  …

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6 mins

How to Morph Into Student-led Youth Ministry

How one longtime youth pastor has morphed his ministry into a “student-led, adult-mentored” culture, where there are no adults leading small groups or, really, any ministry. By Brandon Kennard“These middle school kids have way too much energy for me; I think I may be in over my head.”And…

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2 mins

6 Back-to-School Conversation-Starters

As teenagers drag themselves out of summer and into their next school year, they have a lot on their mind. I want to access all of that “seismic activity of the soul,” so I avoid coming off like I’m interrogating them.…

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2 mins

6 Critical Connections

The administrative work in ministry is hard for me. Diving into the details always stresses me out. That’s why, at the beginning of every school year, I make sure I’m making six critical connections before we launch. These are conversations that help everyone, including me, know where we’re going, and why.…

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