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love sex dating
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2 mins

REVIEW: The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating

When I entered youth ministry, I must’ve signed a contract agreeing to teach about sex and relationships every February forever…it’s law! Okay, maybe not. But with all the Valentine’s Day love buzz, it’s a natural time to focus on relationships. Last February I decided to try a series or book.…

A highlighter on top of a calendar.
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3 mins

Big Dreams Require Little Details

What’s your big dream for your youth ministry this year? And can you sum it up on a T-shirt? Leadership guru Peter Drucker made the “T-shirt” challenge famous—his argument was that big goals should be so easy to understand that they fit on a T-shirt.…

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5 mins

Downshifting Your Summer Strategy

If you’re a volunteer youth worker who needs to take a break, this article might help you. If you’re a youth pastor with maxed-out volunteers, this article might give you perspective. I am a longtime volunteer youth worker and full-time staffer at my church in a non-youth ministry role. …

what really matters
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3 mins

Are You Focusing On What Really Matters?

I’ve been in youth ministry a pretty long time… Since back when handing out tickets to pizza parties was a thing. I remember a long-ago encounter that changed my outlook on ministry forever. I had spent the day creating our youth group’s four-page newsletter using three font wheels, two ink colors, and one very fancy typewriter.…

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2 mins

5 Ways to Strengthen A Growing Ministry

Well, you’re not going to brag about it, but things are going great in your ministry. Your fall kick-off went better than expected, and you’re finally seeing breakthroughs in teenagers who’ve left the sidelines to get in the game with Jesus.…

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3 mins

Helping Students Transition from Children’s Ministry to Youth Group

Last week I looked into the eyes of some very apprehensive 11-year-olds.  It was their last Sunday in “KidzTown.” Even though we made a big deal about “graduating them” up to youth group, still some pulled me aside and asked if they could have just “one more week”  before they aged out of children’s ministry.…

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3 mins

Green-Lights, Yellow Lights, and Red Lights

We all know how to maintain a health lifestyle—it’s common knowledge. Eat right. Sleep right. Exercise right. Sabbath right. So then why am I eating another slice of pizza on the go? Or going to bed later than my family? Or vowing to exercise “tomorrow?”…

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4 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: How to Get Teenagers Excited About Reading the Bible

There was a time when Bible-reading seemed, well, normal… No more. As a first-year college student, I quickly learned that all of the Christian upperclassmen I looked up to owned Bibles that looked like they’d been through a crop thresher. They were marked-up, flagged, underlined, highlighted, dog-eared, and encased in leather-like covers imprinted by swords and flowers and crosses.…

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2 mins

5 Ways to Fill Your Tank

The school year is in full swing, our core ministry activities are percolating, and it feels like our leadership team is hitting their stride. It’s tempting to push cruise control. But early fall is a crucial fuel-the-fire season. So one thing I do to keep the momentum going is search for new things that will fill my tank and the tanks of those around me.…

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2 mins

Listening to the Natives

How often is a “reinvention” really, well, something new? I mean, Apple upgrades the battery life (supposedly) and takes away the headphone jack and suddenly we have an “all-new” iPhone. Mostly, “new” really means a relatively unimportant gimmick is added as a feature, forcing us to upgrade. …

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