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2 mins

What If Online Ministry Is the New Pizza Party?

Youth ministry has been around awhile—we have decades of paradigm shifts in the books. What started as a way to get illiterate kids off the street and into a new-and-improved morality morphed into a ticket to a pizza party and a gospel presentation.…

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2 mins

Back-to-School: The 7 First Steps

In an extended pick-your-brain session with longtime youth pastor Ralph Paige, I sat with a group of young youth workers eager to learn from Ralph’s veteran wisdom as another school year rockets off the launching pad. In Part 1 of this series, Ralph focused on the foundational importance of prayer.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Division

Join Rick for the 1st episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll be exploring the issues and challenges that make up the wallpaper of our life today, connecting them directly back to how Jesus dealt with similar issues. In this kickoff episode we’ll explore—“Division.”…

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9 mins

Follow These Powerful Lessons to Embrace Outsiders

What happens when one youth worker plunges herself into the gritty lives and disorienting culture of “fringe” kids, and what she learns from the experience that helps her create a profoundly welcoming environment in her ministry. By Theresa Mazza It was a crazy night in the mosh pit.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Pushing Back Deception

After a two-month “impromptu sabbatical,” join Rick for the next episode of the new series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” The influence of our self-narratives. The story we tell ourselves, about ourselves, can lead us into captivity—the captivity Jesus came to set us free from.…

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1 min

(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Transforming Friendships

Whether they bring great delight, or great pain, friendships have a transformational impact on our lives. When we look at our own friendships, what role can they play in deepening our commitment to Jesus? Join Rick and Becky as they continue our two-month pursuit of what it takes to become a “new” version of yourself (Hint- It’s not by trying harder to get better).…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) KINGDOM COME: The Point of Your Story

Join Rick for the 3rd episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. In the Kingdom of God, storytelling is not only the highest form of art, it defines the mission and passion of Jesus. Jesus came to tell a new story in our life, and to invite us to do the same with others.…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the third episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” We live in an age of enemies… Never has it been easier, or more likely, that we will create enemies just by living our life… Case In Point: Choose any random post on the social media site Nextdoor and you’ll see enemy-making up close—guaranteed.…

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