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Join Rick for the fourth episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” An ideology is “a system of ideas that aspires both to explain the world and to change it.” Another way to describe an ideology is the story we live inside.…

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(PODCAST) THE WAYS OF JESUS: Exercising Agency

Join Rick for the second episode of the new series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Researchers say a strong factor feeding resilience is “the degree of control that the person has over the stressor.” When we can’t exert any control over the trauma we’ve experienced, the “agency” that fuels our hope is obliterated.…

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Join Rick for the fifth episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” Jesus said: “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake?…

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Join Rick for the eighth episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” In a curious encounter with His disciples and a gathered crowd, Jesus suggests that weather forecasting is a good metaphor for moral decision-making. Then He asks a question that seems self-evident: “Why can’t you decide for yourselves what is right?”…

A group of numbered chairs in an auditorium.
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The Four-Letter Word That Isn’t

“I don’t really look at numbers; I’m more interested in spiritual growth.” “You’re so numbers-focused—do you even know anyone’s names?” “Numbers aren’t the only way to gauge ministry success.” I work in a pretty large church. I’ve heard all of these “numbers” criticisms, and then some.…

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3 mins

Scaling Back or Scaling Up for the Summer?

You need a break, right? Of course you do. The struggle is real. Ministry is hard and demanding. You’re running a church-within-the-church that likely has its own worship team, small group ministry, administrative needs, and teaching cycle. Toss in the larger church calendar, and you’re one busy youth worker.…

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4 mins

The 5 Must-Have Adults on Any Mission Trip

We’ve been here before… Our annual summer mission trip is just around the corner and we’re pulling leaders out of our….directories. How did this happen again this year? I was so good at planning ahead. Then badda bing, badda boom, it’s May!…

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Reaching Over-Involved Teenagers

We’ve already plowed through the meat of the new school year. And if your life is anything like mine you’ve catapulted from the bustle of summer into the craziness of fall. My schedule is fuller (how is that possible?), overshadowed only by the packed calendars of my teenagers.…

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2 mins

8 Ways to Extend Your Influence Post-Graduation

When our teenagers graduate from high school, our “shepherd” calling means they don’t graduate from our lives. Most churches offer very little for college-age students—that means your voice and presence in their lives is still primary. We care and connect with our kids, no matter how old they get!…

plant grow water gardening
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How to Grow Parents Who Are Scripturally Savvy

As youth workers, we generally recognize that parents have the greatest influence on teenagers. Sometimes that’s simply a factor of time. We spend an hour or two with kids every other week (depending on homework and sports practice), while most moms and dads are with them nearly every day.…

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