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2 mins

Back-to-School: The 7 First Steps

In an extended pick-your-brain session with longtime youth pastor Ralph Paige, I sat with a group of young youth workers eager to learn from Ralph’s veteran wisdom as another school year rockets off the launching pad. In Part 1 of this series, Ralph focused on the foundational importance of prayer.…

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2 mins

5 Ways to Strengthen A Growing Ministry

Well, you’re not going to brag about it, but things are going great in your ministry. Your fall kick-off went better than expected, and you’re finally seeing breakthroughs in teenagers who’ve left the sidelines to get in the game with Jesus.…

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9 mins

Follow These Powerful Lessons to Embrace Outsiders

What happens when one youth worker plunges herself into the gritty lives and disorienting culture of “fringe” kids, and what she learns from the experience that helps her create a profoundly welcoming environment in her ministry. By Theresa Mazza It was a crazy night in the mosh pit.…

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2 mins

The 5 Gifts to Give During the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A holly-jolly Christmas. Do you hear what I hear? Silver bells. The First Noel. We get it. The Christmas nostalgia in our soul’s cup “spilleth over.” But threaded through the music, food, and decorations of the Christmas season is a reminder of something greater and deeper—that God came near and continues to come near.…

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2 mins

4 ‘Suggestions’ From Your Ministry Drill Sergeant

For many years the longtime column I wrote for GROUP Magazine was titled “The Youth Ministry Drill Sergeant”—I guess I have the sort of opinions that fit best in a boot-camp setting. Translation: I’m very direct when I have something to say.…

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2 mins

What Seniors REALLY Need From You Right Now

Today someone from my daughter’s school came out to our house and planted a sign in our yard celebrating her as a 2020 graduate. She’s just finished her senior year of high school, and after a lot of hard work she’ll graduate as valedictorian of her class.…

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3 mins

Reaching Over-Involved Teenagers

We’ve already plowed through the meat of the new school year. And if your life is anything like mine you’ve catapulted from the bustle of summer into the craziness of fall. My schedule is fuller (how is that possible?), overshadowed only by the packed calendars of my teenagers.…

"in but not of" the world
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8 mins

Train Students to Be “In But Not Of” the World

Based on our exclusive national research, Christian teenagers are watching and listening to a lot of profane entertainment, but their youth groups aren’t doing as much as they could to help them think critically and biblically about what they’re taking in.…

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3 mins

Traditions: Keep or Toss?

Ten years ago my wife and I made the biggest transition in the history of our lives together. We moved from Michigan to California. My first thought when we started discussing it was, “You don’t move away from family.” And my reasoning was, “It’s just something you don’t do.”…

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3 mins

It’s Time for More Presence

Kevin: “So, do you remember who I am?” My brain: Crap Theresa, come on. Think, you know this kid. What’s his name? Me: “Dude, I totally remember you. (Awkward side hug) You look so different. How are you?” Kevin: “Remember, I was at the skate park all the time.…

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