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Your Students Have a Longing to Belong

I’ve been leading and influencing young people for a long time, both in a church setting and also as a public-school coach. And threaded through the thousands of conversations I’ve had with students is one overriding need—to belong to something bigger than themselves.…

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3 mins

Helping Students Transition from Children’s Ministry to Youth Group

Last week I looked into the eyes of some very apprehensive 11-year-olds.  It was their last Sunday in “KidzTown.” Even though we made a big deal about “graduating them” up to youth group, still some pulled me aside and asked if they could have just “one more week”  before they aged out of children’s ministry.…

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4 mins

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same Sex Attraction An article from Jonathan McKee at “We are confident in our theology concerning sexuality. We are equally confident that how we’ve traditionally approached sexuality, and ministering to teenagers in all stages of their sexual identity, has been unintentionally hurtful, confusing, and alienating to a whole bunch of teenagers.”…

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10 mins

A Closer Look at the Church-Planting Trend

Editor’s Note: The church-planting movement in America is growing exponentially, fueled and driven by an army of former youth pastors. Attend any church-planting conference and you’ll ram into a sea of youth workers who’ve migrated out of their niche and into the Wild, Wild West of broader church leadership.…

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2 mins

How to be a Small Group Guru, Part 1: Starting Right

Let’s spend this month talking about small groups! Small groups are nothing new, but many youth groups are just about to kick off a new season for the school year. And the beginning of a new small group run is a great time to remind yourself of some basic principles that may help get things off and running on the right foot.…

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3 mins

[CONFLICT] Crisis Averted! The Power of an Email

Our ministry tries to take evangelism seriously, so we have a history of trying all sorts of things to help our students reach out to their unchurched friends. One of our Friday night events included (among a whole bunch of other stuff) a dance area.…

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3 mins

10 Things A Small Group Leader Must Be Okay With

Being a small group leader is great and scary at the same time. I took a group of guys from freshman year to senior year.  It was great, but there were some things I had to learn to be okay with throughout the four years that I wish I knew at the beginning.…

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2 mins

What Does Your “Ministry-Image” Look Like?

I once did a lesson series with our students entitled “LOVE YOU: Learning to Love Who God Made You to Be.”  Our study focused in on what a Christ-centered self-image looks like, and how the way we see ourselves affects our relationship to God and others.  …

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2 mins

Parenting: Our Kids Didn’t Choose This Way Of Life!

When Kayla was born, Rachel and I made an immediate decision that has fundamentally shaped our approach to raising kids. It was a decision based on a reality: Our kids didn’t choose to be born into a pastor’s family! My wife and I together choose the way of ministry, of our own free will.…

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