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1 min

Parenting: The Hats You Wear

As a parent, you will find yourself wearing multiple hats, playing a variety of roles in the life of your child(ren). I’d like to list a few of the more prominent hats you will wear as you raise your kids. This list is both linear, in that there is a sort of progression through these roles as your children grow, and completely non-linear in that you will also find yourself constantly jumping between roles, wearing multiple hats at one time, etc.…

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4 mins

Going Into the Cave

Revisiting a Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, Rick explores five crucial practices that make it possible to “go into the cave” on behalf of students or their parents—five things that give us the foundation to offer real help in times of great trauma, tragedy, or challenge.…

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3 mins

3 Ways to Reach Busy Students This Summer

Youth ministry is shifting and changing. It is morphing into something it has never been before, and I am not sure any of us know what it will become. We know that there are some students who want to be at youth group anytime the doors are open, and others that seem to fade in and out.…

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3 mins

Ask a Senior Pastor: Where to Start?

Where to start? That’s a question most of us feel the tension of on a semi-regular basis, whether we’re youth ministry rookies, veterans or something in between. Check out these three questions that all lead to the same actions steps: “What does it mean to recruit passionate volunteers and ignite passion in current volunteers?”…

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1 min

How To Be A Small Group Guru Part 4: Guru Goulash

To wrap up our series on becoming a small group guru, I’d like to prepare a little guru goulash; a delish mish mash of thoughts. * Don’t forget the parents! Leading a small group of 5-10 teenagers also gives you an incredible opportunity to minister to 5-20 parents!…

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3 mins

The Plight of the Parent Volunteer

  This past weekend I had an interesting opportunity to be one of the parent volunteers for a trip for “another” youth group my kids are involved in. It is not one in which I am a leader in any capacity.…

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9 mins

Are You Too Poor for This Church?

The note my middle-school daughter brought home from her Sunday school class asked parents to help out with a fund-raiser for the poor. They wanted a $20 donation along with two pairs of gloves for needy children living overseas, the focus of the ministry’s Christmas outreach program.…

discussing suicide
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3 mins

How to Discuss Suicide in Youth Group

Discussing suicide is never an easy conversation. With suicide getting more attention in the news lately, it has been revealed that there is a lack of resources to effectively discuss the subject with our students. It is important to have these discussions but it is equally important to have good discussions.…

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3 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Going Into the Cave

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, Rick explores five crucial practices that make it possible to “go into the cave” on behalf of students or their parents—five things that give us the foundation to offer real help in times of great trauma, tragedy, or challenge.…

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2 mins

Look Ahead and Ask Who, Not How

In addition to all the extra tasks and events during the Christmas season, it’s also one of the busiest times in ministry. There are Advent services, volunteer opportunities, meetings, social events, and parties. Plus it’s almost January, so we’re making sure summer camps and mission trips are booked.…

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