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Youth Ministry Families and Internet Pornography

I (Tasha) am a counselor, and I have been working with men battling internet pornography addiction for over a decade. The pornography problem is an epidemic in the Christian community. • Promise Keepers did a study and found that 53% of their participants had viewed pornography in the last week.…

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3 Incorrect Assumptions About Church Kids

For years now I have worked with primarily “unchurched” students. Honestly, I’ve gotten used to a group of students with no Biblical foundation or pre-conceived ideas about Christianity.Yet, I  guess I always thought if more of my students had grown up in the church then it would be different.…

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3 mins

Student Ministry and Divorce: It’s an Issue

“Everyone is ministering to students of divorced families. No one is doing it well.” –Doug Fields When I first heard that statement it struck a chord in me. At first I thought, “Wow that was pretty bold.” The very next moment though I began to think, “But what if he’s right?”…

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Parent Meetings

  Groan. Roll eyes. I know you have a hard time getting people to show up for parent meetings. That used to be me until I changed my perspective about what parents are up against and what it means to come alongside them in caring for their teenagers.…

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Seizing Your Red-Light Moments

We were at a red light when my life changed forever. I was on my way to Walmart with my youth pastor—he’d invited me to tag along on a shopping trip for an upcoming lock-in. We needed to buy chips and Hula-Hoops.…

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4 mins

A Ministry Primer for Navigating the Virus Outbreak

Sometimes the movement of history feels glacial; sometimes it turns on a dime. And sometimes, today for instance, history shoves us off the subway platform onto the tracks. Now we must learn how to “live and breathe and move” in a world where “pandemic” is no longer a plot device in a film but a present reality.…

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2 mins

6 Critical Connections

The administrative work in ministry is hard for me. Diving into the details always stresses me out. That’s why, at the beginning of every school year, I make sure I’m making six critical connections before we launch. These are conversations that help everyone, including me, know where we’re going, and why.…

A highlighter on top of a calendar.
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Big Dreams Require Little Details

What’s your big dream for your youth ministry this year? And can you sum it up on a T-shirt? Leadership guru Peter Drucker made the “T-shirt” challenge famous—his argument was that big goals should be so easy to understand that they fit on a T-shirt.…

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3 mins

Responding to Tragedy with Redemptive Presence

By Rick Lawrence I was driving home from a writing retreat, where I’d been off the grid for four days—no Wi-Fi, no cell service. I called my wife to let her know I was on the road, and I heard that edge in her voice that I know all too well… “Rick, there’s an active shooter situation happening right now, at the STEM school that’s 10 minutes from us.…

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4 mins

True Grit

A couple of mornings every week, I walk my middle-school daughter and my cabin-fever dog to the bus stop on the corner before I head off to work. We live in Denver, and during the winter months it’s as cold as you think it’s supposed to be in the “Mountain” time zone.…

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